Sunday 10 April 2016

Same-sex marriage occurred again in Indonesia

Indonesia - After some time ago, LGBT horrendous phenomenon of Wonosobo, Central Java. Now, the same phenomenon occurred in Indragiri Hulu (Inhu). The difference is that in Wonosobo wedding fellow man, while in Riau is the bride and groom unknown woman.
KUA head Rengat, Kab Inhu, Ruler Abdurrahman SAg revealed, both partners have done-granted consent. There is no suspicion at all when the procession was held. However, the man known brides who initially turns a woman-granted consent after the procession is completed.

"Yeah right, turned out to groom a woman as well. They've consent granted. When consent granted absolutely no suspicion when it turned out the groom was a woman, "said the Ruler as quoted from page, Sunday (10/04/2016).

Ruler explained, the wedding was held on Thursday (7/4) at around 14:00 pm, in the Office of Rengat KUA. Before the wedding took place, the next morning both bride fill out a form and meet other requirements.
"I had a quick chat at the prospective bridegroom. At that time I did not suspect if he was a woman. Grooms came with men's clothing, men's skin as well as including voice, "said the Ruler.
Having traversed various requirements, further Ruler, the afternoon continued with consent granted.
"When the consent granted, also no suspicious. When voice when greeting mengukuti istighfar, until creed at all suspicious if a woman. His speech was exactly the same like a man, "said the Ruler.
But after a few hours of the consent granted, further Ruler, around 16.00 pm, the KUA gets surprising news. The families of the bride called KUA Office that the groom was also a woman.
"I got a call from the family of the bride, the groom turned out to be a woman as well. I was troubled, why could well occur. It's been 13 years as head of KUA, only this time to cheated, "he explained.
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