Friday 22 July 2016

Pengajian Lucu KH fauzi Arkan with Wafiq Azizah terbaru - Proses Peneri...

Pengajian Lucu KH fauzi Arkan with Wafiq Azizah terbaru - Proses Peneri...

Dangdut Qasidah Moderen QASIMA Terbaru Sayang & Kelangan

Dangdut Qasidah Moderen QASIMA " ISNA " Terbaru - Dalan Anyar & Kelayun...

Dangdut Qasidah Moderen QASIMA " ISNA " Terbaru - Dalan Anyar & Kelayun...

Dangdut Qasidah Moderen QASIMA " ISNA " Terbaru - Dalan Anyar & Kelayun...

Dangdut Qasidah Moderen QASIMA " ISNA " Terbaru - Dalan Anyar & Kelayun...

Dangdut Qasidah Moderen QASIMA " ISNA " Terbaru - Dalan Anyar & Kelayun...

Dangdut Qasidah Moderen QASIMA " ISNA " Terbaru - Dalan Anyar & Kelayun...

Dangdut Qasidah Moderen QASIMA " ISNA " Terbaru - Dalan Anyar & Kelayun...

Monday 23 May 2016

Pengajian Terbaru KH. Marzuki Mustamar Penentang MTA

Pengajian Lucu KH Fauzi Arkan Terbaru Mei 2016 - Semuanya Milik Allah

Pengajian Lucu KH Fauzi Arkan Terbaru 2016 - Lima Kerugian Setelah Menin...

Pengajian Lucu KH Fauzi Arkan Terbaru Mei 2016 - Tradisi Aswaja NU 1000 ...

Pengajian Lucu KH. Fauzi Arkan Terbaru - Harta Berharga Setelah Iman ad...

Pengajian Lucu KH. Fauzi Arkan Terbaru - Harta Berharga Setelah Iman ad...

Pengajian Lucu KH. Fauzi Arkan Terbaru - Harta Berharga Setelah Iman ad...

Pengajian Lucu KH. Fauzi Arkan Terbaru - Harta Berharga Setelah Iman ad...

Pengajian Lucu KH. Fauzi Arkan Terbaru - Harta Berharga Setelah Iman ad...

Pengajian Lucu KH. Fauzi Arkan Terbaru - Harta Berharga Setelah Iman ad...

Sunday 15 May 2016

Konser El Hawa Bersama KH Fauzi Arkan Salatiga

Pengajian Lucu Terbaru KH Fauzi Arkan - Lima Rahasia Umur Panjang dan Hi...

Suicide Bomb Rattles Gas Plant in Baghdad, dozens killed

Terror back suicide bombings in Iraq precisely at a gas plant in the north of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. As a result of suicide bombings this enviable eleven people were killed and dozens injured, according to a source in the Iraqi police. (15/05) reported by Reuters news agency.

Among the dead were members of the police, and about twenty people were injured. An Iraqi military spokesman said the bomber blew himself up at a car near the entrance of the gas plant in Taji area around 06.00 am local time.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Pengajian Lucu KH. Fauzi Arkan - Harta Berharga Setelah Iman adalah Ana...

Pengajian Lucu KH. Fauzi Arkan - Harta Berharga Setelah Iman adalah Ana...

KH Ahmad Chalwani - Sejarah KH Zarkasyi Berjan (Mursyid thoriqoh Qodiriy...

KH Ahmad Chalwani - Sejarah KH Zarkasyi Berjan (Mursyid thoriqoh Qodiriy...

Gus Ali Gondrong Semarang Mafia Shalawat Terbaru

Rebana Terbaru Podok Pesantren An-nawawi Shoutul Mahbub

Pengajian Lucu Gus Miftah Yogyakarka - Perbedaan Muhammadiyah dan Aswaja NU

Pengajian Lucu KH Anwar Zahid April 2016 - Isra' Mi'raj Nabi Muhammad

Pengajian Lucu KH Ali Sodiqin Gus Ali Gondrong Mafia sholawat Terbaru

Pengajian KH Said Aqil Siradj Terbaru April 2016 - Tradisi Aswaja NU Ber...

Pengajian KH. Said Aqil Siradj - Sejarah Ke-jahiliyah-an Dunia Zaman Da...

Saturday 16 April 2016

Japan earthquake aftershocks, Total Kills 41

41 people were reported killed in the earthquake aftershocks shook the region of Kumamoto, Japan.

As reported by AFP on Saturday (16/04/2016), hundreds of houses road and the railway line when the hillside landslide slammed by an earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter Scale (SR) is. A number of buildings were destroyed, including a university dormitory and apartment complex where dozens of people who until now unaccounted for.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

al Qaeda again threatens Afghanistan

Afghan Defense warned that Al-Qaeda is still very active and a major threat to Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda militants started to rise again after some time has not been heard.
As reported by CNN, Wednesday (13/04/2016), a senior US official was worried about the active leader of al-Qaeda in remote areas of Afghanistan, and members of al-Qaeda that the number may be greater than expected.

Executing tasks Afghan Defence Minister Masoom Stanikzai call Al-Qaeda is still a low profile or did not attract much attention, but began to flourish. "They are very, very active, they move quietly and began to reorganize and prepare for a bigger attack," said Stanikzai.

Monday 11 April 2016

Indonesia's foreign minister was reluctant to give ransom to the Abu Sayyaf

Foreign Minister Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi, lift biacara about ransom the hostage taker 10 Indonesian citizens that the Abu Sayyaf group.

Retno explained that the ransom is something that violates the principle. "That the state should not be involved in ransom, because this issue is not in accordance with the principle," he said during a briefing in the compound of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry, released Monday (04/11/2016).

Submit 2 Island Egypt to Saudi Arabia, Ikhwanul Muslimin Furious

Egyptian government finally handed over the island of Tiran and Sanafi to Saudi Arabia, the two islands is disputed island in the Red Sea ,. This decision was announced as the visit of King Saudi, Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud to Egypt.

The Egyptian government announced on Saturday (9/4) yesterday, the second island of the dispute is in the territorial waters of Saudi Arabia in accordance with the rules in the maritime border agreement signed by Egypt and Saudi Arabia the day before. Reported by Press TV on Monday (11/04/2016),

Sunday 10 April 2016

Same-sex marriage occurred again in Indonesia

Indonesia - After some time ago, LGBT horrendous phenomenon of Wonosobo, Central Java. Now, the same phenomenon occurred in Indragiri Hulu (Inhu). The difference is that in Wonosobo wedding fellow man, while in Riau is the bride and groom unknown woman.
KUA head Rengat, Kab Inhu, Ruler Abdurrahman SAg revealed, both partners have done-granted consent. There is no suspicion at all when the procession was held. However, the man known brides who initially turns a woman-granted consent after the procession is completed.

"Yeah right, turned out to groom a woman as well. They've consent granted. When consent granted absolutely no suspicion when it turned out the groom was a woman, "said the Ruler as quoted from page, Sunday (10/04/2016).

Saturday 9 April 2016

KH Ahmad Chalwani - Sejarah KH Zarkasyi Berjan (Mursyid thoriqoh Qodiriy...

6 months in captivity Abu Sayyaf, Retired Pastor Finally Free

An Italian priest retired men aged 56 years was finally released after six months in captivity group Abu Sayyaf.
Philippine authorities find Rolando Del Torchio on Friday (8/4) night on a ferry which docked at a remote island, Jolo, which is the main base of the Abu Sayyaf group. Jolo is located approximately 950 kilometers south of the capital Manila.

"The victim is now terlijhat thinner as a result of losing a lot of weight" the military spokesman said the local area, Mayor Philemon Tan told reporters as quoted by news agency AFP on Saturday (04/09/2016).

Friday 8 April 2016

Pengajian Lucu KH. Fauzi Arkan - Harta Berharga Setelah Iman adalah Ana...

Marriage kind of appalling Citizens coasters Wonosobo

Central heat at about LGBT issues in Indonesia, there is a surprising phenomenon in the district of Wonosobo regency, Central Java coasters. On Saturday (03.12.16), the pair reportedly no bride "same-sex" sign to hold the ceremony in the District Office of Religious Affairs coasters. Lucky the contract plan was foiled by the local police (police) coasters amicably.
Couples were identified as Andi Budi Sutrisno and Didik Suseno, was initially determined to enroll them to hold the ceremony at KUA districts coasters, but the KUA firmly reject the registration of same-sex marriage.

Minister of Social Indonesia: World Bank noted PKH Receiver Significant Changes

The survey results from the World Bank mentions Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) or Keluraga Program (PKH) have a significant impact for people in need. It is stated the Social Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

"CCT programs or CCT recorded in full by the World Bank, is necessary for outreach and monitoring," said the Minister while at Navy Pier, Biyorsi district, Manokwari, West Papua, reported Tuesday (04/05/2016) ,

Terrorized by Phone, Three People Were Arrested in Spain

MADRID: Spanish police arrested three people over the issue of a bomb threat on a plane. As a result of the issue of this bomb, the aircraft had to fly back to Madrid airport, escorted by fighter jets.

As reported by AFP on Wednesday (06/04/2016), a terror incident at one of the best Brazilian airline TAM fly to Sao Paulo, Brazil from Madrid this happened on December 14 last year ,. At that time, suddenly got a message from a man about a bomb on the plane, the plane had to fly for 90 minutes,

Monday 4 April 2016

Maful Muthlak

Maful Muthlak adalah kalimat isim yang terbaca nashob yang berada pada urutan yang ketiga dari tashrifannya fi’il.
Contoh : 
 Ø¶َرْبًا  ÙŠَضْرِبُ  , أكْرَÙ…َضَرَبَ

United Airlines US expels Muslim Family of Aircraft

Aircraft United Airlines kicked one Muslim family in the United States. The family was evicted from the plane for security reasons. They demanded an official apology from the airline.

As reported by CNN, Monday (04/04/2016), the incident occurred when a Muslim family traveling with three young children kecil.melalui O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, March 20 last. The family asked the crew about the special child seat for their child. Suddenly, one of the crew said they had to leave the plane for the sake of flight safety. This incident caught on video posted to YouTube.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Rekontruksi Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia

Kita memerlukan suatu perubahan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang ideal dan kreatif untuk mengahadapi tantangan globalisasi di era ini. Pebaikan dalam sistem pendidikan islam memerlukan perubahan paradigma. arah prubahan paradigma pendidikan dari paradigma lama ke paradigma baru, berbagai aspe mendasar yaitu,[1] Pertama, paradigma lama lama terlihat upaya pendidikan cenderung pada : Statistik, kebijakan lebih bersifat Top Down, orientasi pengembangan pendidikan lebih bersifat parsial karena pendidikan didesain untuk sector pertumbuhan ekonomi, stabilitas ekonomi dan keamanan serta tekhnologi perakitan. Peran pemerintah sangat dominant dalam kebijakan pendidikan dan lemahnya peran institusi pendidikan dan institusi non sekolah. Kedua,

Kondisi Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia

Kondisi pendidikan islam di Indonesia, sebenarnya mengalami nasib yang sama dengan pendidikan umum dan secara khusus penididkan islam mnegalami berbagai persoalan dan kesenjangan dalam berbagai aspek yang lebih kompleks, yakni berupa persoalan dikotomi pendidikan, kurkulum, tujuan, sumber daya serta manajemen penididkan islam. Upaya perbaikan belum dilakukan secara mendasar, sehingga terkesan seadanya saja. Usaha pembaharuan dan perbaikan pendidikan islam sering bersifat sepotong-potong atau tidak komprehensif dan menyeluruh serta sebagian besar sistem dan lembaga pendidikan islam belum dikelola secara professional. Usaha pembaharuan dan peningkatan pendidikan secara mendasar selalu dihambat oleh berbagai masalah mulai dari kurangnya dan sampai tenaga ahli, sehingga pendidikan islam dewasa ini terlihat orientasinya semakin kurang jelas.[1] Dengan kenyataan ini maka sebenarnya sistem pendidikan islam haruslah senantiasa mengorientasikan diri untuk menjawab kebutuhan dan tantangan yang muncul dalam masyarakat kita sebagai konsekuensi logis dari perubahan.

Peran Islam dalam Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan

Sudah barang tentu sebagai manusia kita mneghendaki perubahan, baik dalam ranah keilmuan maupun kesejahteraan. Dalam era moderen ini banyak sekali perkembangan yang terjadi khususnya dibidang ilmu pengetahuan dan tekhnologi, tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi kehadirannya, karena kita pasti akan membutuhkan pengetahuan. Akibat dari pesatnya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang tanpa batas manusia akan lupa akan adanya etika, dan menyimpang dari norma. Sudah dijelaskan dimuka bahwa perkembangan iptek harus dibarengai dengan imtak jiaka tidak maka akan mengakibatkan kesenjangan. Maka dari itu peran agama islam sangatlah besar untuk membatasi, menyaring dan  mengawasi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Ilmu pengetahuan tidak dianggap menyimpang apabila masih mengikuti norma dan tidak menyimpang dari syari`at islam. Manusia memilki wilayah mana yang boleh dijelajah dan mana yang tidak boleh untuk dijadiakan objek kajian ilmu pengetahuan (wilayah kekuasaan Tuhan).

Bukannya islam tidak menghendaki kemajuan dalam bidang iptek, namun islam mengharapkan agar ilmu pengetahuan bisa sejalan dengan ajran agama dan norma sosial. Islam adalah rahmatan lil `Alamin, semoga saja kita bisa menjadi para filosuf yang beriman, Amien.